I don’t like chess playing computers! Period! They are so good now, that there is almost never a surprise when you are either playing against them or analyzing with them. To me the most exciting thing about chess is the intrigue, the mistakes, the bluffs, etc… Computers kill it all. In my opinion, the reason chess is loosing its marketability today is because leading grandmasters are too concerned about making “perfect” moves and are now playing “dry” computer-like chess.
So, in this and hopefully subsequent articles, you won’t see any computer analysis, but you will see some surprising news, unusual ideas and unexpected twists. Enjoy.
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Sadovsky - Gurov, Donetsk, 2004
Black to
move. Can he win? What would you play?
When ready, check the answer below.
Answer: Black is winning. Three reasonable moves candidates 1…Be7, 1…Bf2 and 1…Ke5.
The game continued 1…Be7 2.g5 Bxg5! 3.Ph5! – Surprise! Black is left with the h-pawn and the “wrong” bishop, while White K can sneak into the corner. Draw!
Careful examination of starting position should lead to the following summary:
1. Without trading the pawns White is simply lost. White’s threat is 2.g5 and then 3.h5.
2. Black can stop White’s threat in two ways –
a. By preventing attacking h-pawn via 1…Bf2. For example 2.h5 g5 3.Ke4 Bc5 4.h6 Bf8 5.h7 Bg7 6.Kf3 Ke5 7.Ke3 Bh8 8.Kf3 Kd4 etc…
b. or by blocking the path of White King to the corner via 1…Ke5 2.g5 Kf4! 3.h5 gxh 4.g6 Bf8 5.Ke2 Kg3 6.Kf1 Kh2 6.Kf2 h4 7.Kf1 h3 8.Kf2 Bg7 9.Kf1 Bd4 etc…
Thus both 1…Bf2 and 1…Ke5 win for Black. Surprised?
Good luck! Igor Khmelnitsky Copyright 2004
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