(I award a Maximum
Rating of pretty
much only for the books that will be used for generations. So consider
be a very high mark. Publishers, authors, chess fans feel free to send me books
for review. All submissions will be acknowledged and my unbiased opinion
Subject | Author/Title | Published | Pages | Amazon | List | Rating | Comment |
Openings | Pederson, S. - Main Line French | Dec-02 | 256 | 22.95 | 22.95 | Haven't seen | |
Tactics/Calc | Ivaschenko - Manual of Chess Combinations, Vol. II, | Dec-02 | 255 | 15.00 | 15.00 | ![]() |
>Review Coming Soon. Excellent for 1500-2000 |
Openings | Lane - Ideas Behind Modern Chess Openings | Dec-02 | 244 | 17.50 | 22.95 | Haven't seen | |
Openings | Podgaets - Caro-Can | Nov-02 | 123 | 16.00 | 23.00 | Haven't seen | |
Openings | Jacobs, B. - Starting out French | Nov-02 | 123 | 14.00 | 17.95 | Haven't seen | |
Strategy | Dunnington - Can you be POSITIONAL genius | Nov-02 | 144 | 13.97 | 19.95 |
>Review Coming Soon |
Strategy | Dunnington - Understanding the Sacrifice | Oct-02 | 143 | 13.97 | 19.95 |
>Review Coming Soon |
Endgame | Flear -
Test Your Endgame Thinking |
Oct-02 | 176 | 13.97 | 19.95 |
>Review Available |
Openings | Rosentalis - Play 2.c3 | Sep-02 | 123 | 15.37 | 21.95 | > Review Coming Soon | |
Endgames | Nunn – Endgame Challenge | Aug-02 | 256 | 17.50 | 24.95 | ![]() |
> Review Available |
Openings | Lalic - Marshall Attack and Anti-Marshalls | Jul-02 | 144 | 14.00 | 20.00 | On my wish list | |
Tactics / Calc | le Moir - How to become deadly chess tactician | Jun-02 | 192 | 19.95 | 19.95 | Not seen. Sounds interesting, but the author is not a GM/IM | |
Openings | Pederson, S. - French : Tarrasch and Other Lines | Jun-02 | 256 | 17.50 | 25.00 | On my wish list | |
Various | Belyavsky - Secrets of Chess Intuition | May-02 | 160 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Not seen, but heard weak reviews | |
Strategy | Alburt - Building Up Your Chess: Art of Accurate Ev | Apr-02 | 368 | 20.97 | 29.95 |
Expensive, but Alburt's books use methods / materials that I was taught with. |
Openings | Ward - Unusual Queens Gambit decline | Apr-02 | 160 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Recommend - Albine, Tchigoin, | |
Endgames | Belyavsky - Winning Endgame Strategy | Apr-02 | 200 | 16.00 | 23.00 | Weak reviews | |
Openings | Opening for Black according to Karpov | Apr-02 | 0 | 29.95 | 29.95 | On my wish list! Good reviews | |
Openings | Aagaard - Meeting 1.d4 (Tarrash) | Apr-02 | 160 | 13.97 | 19.95 | > Review Coming Soon | |
Openings | Raetsky - Meeting 1.E4 | Apr-02 | 160 | 13.97 | 19.95 | > Review Coming Soon | |
Openings | Kosten - Winning the Philidor | Apr-02 | 123 | 13.97 | 19.95 | > Review Coming Soon | |
Openings | Emms - Starting Out Sicilian | Apr-02 | 144 | 11.90 | 16.95 | Very good Sic intro. U1600 | |
Tactics / Calc | Plasket - Can you be tactical genius | Apr-02 | 144 | 13.97 | 19.95 | ![]() |
> Review Available |
Tactics / Calc | Dvoretsky - Tactical Play | Apr-02 | 123 | 24.95 | 24.95 | Excellent for 2100+ | |
Various | Aagaard - Excelling at chess | Mar-02 | 190 | 23.95 | 23.95 | Seen interesting reviews | |
Various | Beim - recipes from GM kitchen | Feb-02 | 128 | 17.95 | 17.95 | On my wish list | |
Openings | Jurioula - Explosive opening repertoire for Black (1...d6) | Feb-02 | 190 | 24.95 | 24.95 | Haven't seen, but complete opening for Black! | |
Openings | Yusupov - Petroff | Feb-02 | 123 | 30.00 | 30.00 | High Quality! | |
Openings | Neishtadd - Opening mistakes | Feb-02 | 123 | 20.00 | 20.00 | I've enjoyed this one in Russian | |
Tactics / Calc | Nunn – Solving in style | Feb-02 | 256 | 18.00 | 18.00 | On my wish list | |
Various | Nunn - Understanding Chess Move by Move | Feb-02 | 239 | 19.95 | 19.95 | For 1500+ good for overall development | |
Openings | Davies - Alekhine defense | Jan-02 | 160 | 13.97 | 19.95 | > Review Coming Soon | |
Various | Shereshevsky E-book $10 | Jan-02 | 123 | 10.00 | 10.00 | Haven't seen | |
Various | Shtol - Instructive Modern Chess Games | Jan-02 | 123 | 24.95 | 24.95 | Wish list, but heard good reviews. | |
Strategy | Emms -Simple Chess: Mastering the Basic Principles | Dec-01 | 144 | 14.00 | 20.00 | ![]() |
> Review Coming Soon |
Strategy | Positional - Chess Handbook | Dec-01 | 224 | 10.00 | 10.00 | Heard good things | |
Testing | Ward - Your Move Improvers (planning, tests - U1800) | Dec-01 | 144 | 13.30 | 19.00 | ![]() |
> Review Available |
Tactics | Emms - Ultimate chess puzzle book | Dec-01 | 244 | 17.95 | 24.95 | 1000+ tactical diagrams | |
Openings | Jacobs - Mastering Chess Openings | Dec-01 | 144 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Openings | |
Strategy | Dunnington - Mastering Chess Middlegame | Dec-01 | 144 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Strategy for u1800 | |
Endgame | Flear - Mastering Chess Endgame | Dec-01 | 176 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Endgames for u1800 | |
Endgames | Muller - Fundamental Chess Endings | Oct-01 | 416 | 29.95 | 29.95 | ![]() |
Really fundamental and very recent. Recommend. |
Openings | Khalifman - Opening for Black According to Karpov | Sep-01 | 192 | 25.00 | 29.95 | ![]() |
> Review Coming Soon |
Openings | Emms - Attacking with 1.e4 | Aug-01 | 160 | 13.97 | 19.95 | ![]() |
> Review Available |
Openings | Lane - The Ultimate Colle | Jun-01 | 176 | 16.07 | 22.95 | Good opening book for this tricky opening, Use it (White) or "Defuse" is it (Black) | |
Openings | McDonald - Main Line Caro-Can | Apr-01 | 144 | 19.95 | 19.95 | Good opening book | |
Testing | Pedersen, S. - Chess Test | Dec-00 | 160 | 19.95 | 19.95 | Heard mixed reviews, but not many comprehensive self test out there | |
Testing | Ward - Your Move | Dec-00 | 144 | 13.97 | 19.95 | ![]() |
> Review Available |
Tactics / Calc | Blokh - Combinational Motifs | Sep-00 | 304 | 15.00 | 20.00 | ![]() |
Excellent book, best for 1500 - 2100 |
Endgames | Flear - Improve Your Endgame Play | Jun-00 | 160 | 10.50 | 14.95 | Good one | |
Strategy | Crouch - How to defend in Chess | Jun-00 | 224 | 19.95 | 19.95 | Excellent strategic tool | |
Testing | Alburt - Chess Training Pocket Book: 300 Positions | May-00 | 140 | 13.00 | 17.95 | ![]() |
> Review Available |
Openings | Emms - Play Open games | Mar-00 | 224 | 22.00 | 22.00 | Heard good reviews | |
Various | Yermolinsky - Road to chess improvement | Jan-00 | 224 | 24.95 | 24.95 | Very interesting reading! | |
Various | Ward - Improve Opening | Jan-00 | 144 | 10.50 | 14.95 | Opening for U1600! | |
Various | Tarrash - "300 games" | Dec-99 | 366 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Excellent game collection | |
Various | Chernev - Logical Chess Move by Move | Dec-99 | 256 | 25.00 | 25.00 | Very Nice book for beginners | |
Various | Lasker - Manual | Nov-99 | 123 | 10.00 | 10.00 | Excellent book, best for 1600+ | |
Openings | Hansen - English c4 e5 | Oct-99 | 256 | 24.00 | 24.00 | On my wish list | |
Various | Znosko B. -Middlegame | Oct-99 | 123 | 8.00 | 8.00 | Excellent book, best for 1500+ | |
Tactics / Calc | Znosko B. - Art of combination | Sep-99 | 123 | 10.00 | 10.00 | Excellent book, best for 1500+ | |
Strategy | Baburin - Winning Pawn Structures | Aug-99 | 240 | 17.50 | 25.00 | Great coverage of positions with isolated pawn and more | |
Endgames | Alburt - Just the Facts | May-99 | 400 | 19.00 | 26.95 | Quality positions, OK explanation | |
Testing | Nunn - Chess Puzzle Book | May-99 | 208 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Unique, challenging, for 1800+ | |
Strategy | Watson - Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy... | Mar-99 | 256 | 24.95 | 24.95 | Excellent strategic work. 1700+ | |
Openings | Nunn - Chess Openings | Mar-99 | 522 | 21.00 | 29.95 | Nice size Encyclopedia, but no explanations. 2000+ | |
Tactics / Calc | Alburt - King in Jeopardy | Dec-98 | 256 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Quality positions, OK explanation | |
Tactics / Calc | Brilliant Chess Studies | Sep-98 | 322 | 15.00 | 15.00 | ![]() |
Quality training for 2100+ |
Various | Vukovich Art of Attack | Feb-98 | 384 | 17.50 | 24.95 | A classic! | |
Tactics/Calc | Ivaschenko - Manual of Chess Combinations, Vol. I, | Dec-97 | 250 | 15.00 | 15.00 | ![]() |
>Review Available Excellent for 500-1500 |
Strategy | Alburt - Strategy | Dec-97 | 348 | 17.00 | 23.95 | Quality positions, OK explanation | |
Openings | Emms - Scandinavian | Jun-97 | 150 | 20.00 | 20.00 | Good one. To save $ consider "Attacking with 1.e4" instead! | |
Openings | Sadler - Slav | Jun-97 | 144 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Good one, one of very few on Slav, somewhat outdated. | |
Various | Shilman - Reassess your chess | Jun-97 | 402 | 17.95 | 19.95 | Excellent Material - mainly strategy. Follow up to "Amateur's Mind" | |
Various | Shirov - Fire on board | Dec-96 | 150 | 13.97 | 19.95 | Best games of unique talent! | |
Various | Crouch - Attacking Technique | Oct-96 | 112 | 6.50 | 6.50 | Not seen, but heard positive reviews | |
Tactics / Calc | Silman - Amateur's Mind | Feb-96 | 240 | 22.95 | 22.95 | Curious Puzzles | |
Tactics / Calc | Lloyd - Puzzles | Jan-96 | 240 | 22.95 | 22.95 | Curious Puzzles | |
Endgames | Hall - Endgame Challenge | Oct-95 | 224 | 17.95 | 17.95 | ![]() |
Good endgame practice book for 1400 - 2100 |
Strategy | McDonald - Positional Sacrifices | Aug-95 | 0 | 15.95 | 15.95 | Not seen, but heard positive reviews | |
Tactics / Calc | Shpielman - Theory of Sacrifice | May-95 | 195 | 8.95 | 8.95 | Superb little book! | |
Various | Capablanka - Chess Fundamentals | Dec-94 | 0 | 11.17 | 15.95 | ![]() |
Excellent book for everyone, but most beneficial for 1400 - 1900 |
Endgames | Shereshevsky - Strategy of Endgame | Jul-94 | 0 | 19.95 | 19.95 | Rare book, very good for 1900+ | |
Endgames | Shereshevsky Mastering the Endgame | Jan-93 | 0 | 25.00 | 25.00 | Rare book, very good for 1900+ | |
Tactics / Calc | Hall - Combination Challenge | Oct-91 | 222 | 17.95 | 17.95 | ![]() |
Nice practice book for 1400 - 2100 |
Strategy | Nimtsovich - My System | Jan-91 | 0 | 17.50 | 17.50 | ![]() |
A timeless gem. For non-beginners |
Openings | Fine - Ideas behind chess openings | Oct-90 | 182 | 11.00 | 13.95 | Nice intro book on openings | |
Various | Keres - Art of Middlegame | Jan-90 | 238 | 8.95 | 8.95 | Very good book. Descriptive notation | |
Tactics / Calc | Reinfeld - 1001 brilliant checkmates | Jan-83 | 0 | 8.00 | 10.00 | Another good very basic tactic book | |
Various | Bronshtein - Zurich 1953 | Jun-79 | 349 | 10.50 | 12.95 | ![]() |
A masterpiece. |
Endgames | Fine - Basic Endgames | May-79 | 0 | 16.80 | 23.95 | Nice Reference book, not fun for those below 1800 | |
Tactics / Calc | Reinfeld 1001 winning combinations and sacrifices | Jan-69 | 0 | 8.00 | 10.00 | Good introductory book for beginners and low rated players |
Subject | Author/Title | Published | Pages | Amazon | List | Comment | |||||
Home Financeng | Fools - what to do with your money now! | Jun-02 | 200 | 16.10 | 22.95 | On my wish list! Looks like up to date! | |||||
Home Financeng | Get Clark Smart: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Rich fro | Apr-02 | 272 | 11.87 | 17.95 | He really shows how to save | |||||
General Investingng | Bernstein the 4 pillars of investing | Apr-02 | 240 | 19.50 | 27.95 | On my wish list! | |||||
Home Financeng | Money club for women | Feb-02 | 288 | 6.00 | 22.95 | Great inexpensive gift idea | |||||
General Investingng | Bernstein's Intelligent Asset Allocator | Sep-00 | 206 | 21.00 | 29.95 | Recommended! Definitely Helped me allocate money and minimize effect of current crush! | |||||
Home Financeng | Managing to be wealthy | Jun-00 | 320 | 14.00 | 19.95 | Great basic book! | |||||
General Investingng | Robert T. Kiyosaki - Rich Dad's Guide to Investing: What | Jun-00 | 450 | 12.50 | 17.95 | Heard positive things | |||||
General Investingng | Allen - Multiple streams of income | Mar-00 | 352 | 17.50 | 24.95 | Very enlightening! I found new ideas, but hadn't recover the cost of the book yet. | |||||
Stocks Trading | A Beginner's Guide To Day Trading Online | Mar-00 | 288 | 11.00 | 14.95 | Market sucks! | |||||
Home Financeng | Siwak - Retire Early . 10 steps plan | Jan-00 | 221 | 7.00 | 23.00 | Cheap Hardcover with good ideas | |||||
General Investingng | Boggle, J. - Common Sense on Mutual Funds | Jan-00 | 440 | 12.00 | 17.95 | From Vanguard founders | |||||
Stocks Trading | Electronic Day Trading Made Easy: Become a Successf | Oct-99 | 335 | 21.00 | 29.95 | Great books, but I am too busy to use | |||||
Stocks Trading | Timing the market | Jun-99 | 368 | 21.00 | 29.95 | Mutual funds are safer | |||||
Home Financeng | Jonathan Clements - 25 Myths You'Ve Got to Avoid-If Yo | Apr-99 | 240 | 9.60 | 11.95 | I liked it! | |||||
General Investingng | Graham Intelligent Investor | Jan-85 | 340 | 21.00 | 29.95 | A classic |