World Open 'Knights'
Just a couple of weeks ago, the 35th World Open (projected prize fund of $400,000) was going full speed in the Valley Forge Convention Center (20 minutes drive from downtown Philadelphia). Thanks to the short commute, I visited the event almost every day, checking on my friends as well as my students. Also, spending time with the always busy dealers (Rochester Chess Center and Chess4Less); the store was packed with newest as well as rare chess stuff. And, of course, I mingled with readers of my books. I even played in a side event. The World Open will be covered in depth in many chess media outlets. I’d like to share with you here a few interesting positions that I spotted scanning the boards and the common theme of them is the actions of the Knights.
The Cavalry in Pursuit
The first position is from 4th round scramble between my good friend 2007 US Champion GM Alex Shabalov and talented FM Bryan Smith. The position is quite wild and difficult to play, especially in sever time trouble (yet quite normal for these particular player known for their aggressiveness and imagination).
Smith - ShabalovWhite to Move White has
small material advantage. Both Kings are in danger, especially the White K,
which is harassed by the aggressive Black Ns. In sever time trouble
White self-destructed - 30.d6? 30...Ndxb2+ 31.Kc2?? Nxd6 32.Qxf5+ Nxf5 0-1
A few
minutes later I caught up with Shabalov and Smith analyzing the position
from the diagram above. Someone from the crowd recommended 30.b3 trying
to force the Nc4, which is the defender of d6, to leave. Several
variations were reviewed very quickly. As much as these instant analysis
lacked accuracy, the players compensated this by producing some
fascinating ideas. For example, 30. b3 Bxc3 31.Nxc3 Bg4+ 32.Kc2 Nb4+ 33.Kc1 Nd3+ 34.Kb1 Na3+ 35.Ka1 Nc2+ 36.Kb1 Na3+ with perpetual check.
Quite unusual setup (see diagram on the right) |
The Cavalry in the Slaughter House The next picturesque position I saw, involved one of the local players whom I know well. He is a very nice gentleman and I chat with him frequently. Unfortunately his position looked grim. (This may not be the exact position as I only recall placement of the critical pieces). I am sure you can guess which side he was? Both Black Ns are frozen on very bad spots. This position could serve well in the basic manual on chess strategy when describing misplaced pieces. |
Repositioning the Calvary
I took part in one of the side events. Game in 10 minutes. My first tournament in 5 years. My result was so-so – 3.5 / 5 against lower rated opposition. However, my last round game saw a nice actions of my N.
Khmelnitsky – NN White to Move
White has advantage mainly because of the Black’s defective pawn structure (White has a virtual extra pawn on the Q-side). Also, the Black N is temporarily misplaced and needs repositioning (Nc7-d5). My plan was to send my N, which has very little potential on f3, to the K side to disturb Black’s defensive setup. |
The question was - whose cavalry would arrive first to it's optimal destination.
1.Nd2 Rac8 2.Nc4 Qxb3 3.axb3 Rxe1+ 4.Rxe1 Nc7 (the Black N is ready to go to d5 or e6, so it is time to 'shoot' it) 5.Bxc7 Rxc7 6.Re8 Re7 7.Rxe7 Bxe7 8.Na5 c5 9.d5 b5 10.Nb7 (diagram on the right) 10 moves later, the N arrived to b7. In order to stop the d-pawn, Black had to give up the B and soon resigned. |
Where is my Calvary?
Finally, the most
exciting position on the subject matter doesn't even have a N. How come, you may
ask. Take a look
1 Black to Move |
Stripunsky - NajerBlack to Move A wild and unclear position (1). Black's best choice was probably 51...Ph3, instead he made a naturally looking 51...Qc3 threatening Qxe1+. Then White unloaded a shocking 52.Qxc7+!!. After 52...Qxc7 53.Pe7 Black was facing a situation that looked great, but ... (2)
It could have
inspired Shakespeare to write these famous lines in his Richard III. |
2 Black to Move |
3 White to Move |
After the planned 53...Ph3 (3), the White King is in grave danger (54.Pe8Q Ph2#) and: Richard III: A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse. Catesby: Withdraw, my lord; I'll help you to a horse. 54.Pe8N+!! (4) and 55.Nxc7, winning.
Black did
recognize this idea and, in (2),
instead of 53...Ph2, gave up the R after
53...Re6 54.Rxe6. Then, after a few checks, the Black Q arrived to
e8 and blocked the Pe7. However, soon thereafter, two White rooks chased
down the Black K forcing the resignation. Note that no horses where available to
save him. |
4 Black to Move |
I hope you enjoyed this mini collection. Keep on the lookout for detailed reports on the 2007 World Open in Chess Life, New in Chess and other leading chess media.
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Copyrighted @ 2007 Igor Khmelnitsky
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