- 02/25/08 Update on my training
Several items to share with you
(A) I have now video capabilities via Skype as well as via ICC
( http://www.chessclub.com; no
typing required! We talk on the phone and view the board/move pieces
too). The latter is especially great for discussing your games. Also,
can be done for a group of students or even entire chess club.
(B) Improvement
Process - Success In Simple Steps
(C) The following extensive
report based on your answers to my original award-winning Chess
Exam (2004) is now available as a stand alone item (here),
whereas in the past it was a part of the Initial
Assessment session.
(D) The Initial
Assessment session is still strongly recommended as it provides the
best possible feedback for you and gives you a clear guidance on your training
for 3-12 months. Also, games review can often highlight some easy to fix
issues not shown in the Chess Exam. Here
is an unsolicited feedback from a recent session with Greg (1700
USCF), who describes himself as "middle aged education
professional who has returned to chess after a few decades of going to
school, working, and raising a family"
- 02/02/08 Chess Training:
Improve your Chess via Active Learning - Find out more.
- 02/01/08 Breaking news:
another great review of my Chess Exam and Training Guide Tactics. This
one is by Michael Jeffreys for Chessville.com. "... The thing
that makes his books so good, as I mentioned above, is his eye for
great material. All of the positions he selects are interesting
and usually the obvious try is not the best. Also, he mixes up
his problems so that each turn of the page brings a new adventure,
i.e. they are not in any type of “thematic order” like most puzzle
Read the entire review here.
View a YouTube video clip here.
- 01/29/08 Busy Times:
it has been a busy time for me from the mid December through now. Writing,
coaching, presenting, just to name a few things. E-mails from satisfied
readers are always fun to get. I also welcome constructive criticism
as it only helps make my work so much better. I got a lot of e-mails over
the holidays and tried to respond to everyone. The best way to contact
me if via this form. Was sorry to see
Fischer passed away. I always admired him as player. He could have
done so much more, but chose not to. I enjoyed scanning through
jubilee 100th issue of the famous Chess Informant (see below). I am collaborating
on some very interesting projects for www.Chess.com.
I suggest you give the website a try. I've setup Skype account and
mastered ICC lessons; this
might interest those who can't see me in my office or don't come to
Philadelphia for our major events. I am planning to visit USATE at Parsippany,
NJ on 2/16. There might be a small lecture and book signing between
the rounds. Also, on the schedule is a stop in Carlisle at the PA Scholastics
Champ in March. Might even play in the action tournament there. Please
check my partners mentioned on my happy
holidays page.
- 12/12/07 New and Hot! Fritz 11 and other ChessBase
products at 15-20% off and free shipping (on some
orders) - Find out more.
- 12/03/07 Breaking news:
very nice comments from former US Champion GM Joel Benjamin in
December '07 Chess Life and US Chess Online - "...With
innovative methodology Chess Exam and Training Guide: Tactics,
aspires to rise a cut above other books in this genre...I love the
creative and novel approach to quizzing, but the greatest strength of
the book is the selection of positions. The variations of themes is
impressive... The selections of positions and posing of questions is
skillfully done that every page is a learning experience..."
Read the entire review here.
- 12/02/07 Chess Training:
Improve your Chess via Active Learning - Find out more.
- 10/29/07 Chess Training:
Happy Birthday Coach Foygel! (Test yourself) - Find out more.
- 10/11/07 Special significant discounts on subscriptions to
'New In Chess', one of the best chess magazines - Details here.
- 10/01/07 'House cleaning' continues - new items Books/CDs/DVDs
added. Details here. Unique
/ rare collectables here
- 09/21/07 UPS recently lost a case of my award
winning Chess Exam (2004). After some search, they found the books
loose in their warehouse. They shipped them to me. The books are new,
but the covers are damaged. If you intend to worn the book anyway,
consider ordering one at 50% off. Find out more.
- 09/21/07 Daily Internet chess publication ChessToday
just released its 2500 issue. I read it every day since its inception.
Take a look at this sample copy and, if you are interested, contact GM
Alex Baburin to subscribe. Issue - 2500.
- 08/21/07 Chess Humor:
Over the last several of weeks, I've gotten
several rather funny e-mails from different people - my friend, my
students, my business associate, and a reader of my book. I'd like to
share them with you.- Find out more.
- 07/15/07 Chess Training:
35th World Open recently finished in Valley Forge.
This is only a short drive for me, so I spent quite a few nights at
the tournament meeting friends, observing my students, talking to
dealers and readers of my books. I even played for a fist time in 5
years - Find out more.
- 06/26/07 Bob Long, owner of the
publishing house Thinkers' Press (Chessco International) sent me a
sample copy of his new electronic magazine Chess Reports.
Check it out here and contact Bob
if you are interested in subscribing. Also from Bob, a new book
"Horse Laffs" by Ralph Tykodi. More about this book in one
of my future articles.
- 06/15/07 Chess Training:
Do you watch you back ... rank when you play? I place it prominently
amongst the 6 Motives or Reasons for combination to occur in my new
book - Chess Exam Tactics. Find out more.
- 05/31/07 Chess Exam 2 - Tactics first edition
is here. It is a worthy sequel according to many readers of the
advanced edition. Read some of the comments, order autographed copy
from me or your favorite dealer.
- 12/31/06 Happy Holidays!! A
few updates below regarding new Chess Exam, Free
Chess Today offer, Beautiful Chess Sets,
Chess Dealers, Chess T-shirts,
Chess Camps etc....
Check details here.
- 12/02/06 Do you want to introduce chess to favorite
youngsters in your life? I can strongly recommend the new DVD by none
other than Susan Polgar - "Learning Chess the Easy Way,
Chess for Absolute Beginners". Very easy, entertaining,
high quality and can be watched over an over again (1hr, 20min).
Extras - subtitles (English, Spanish, French, German), other stuff if
you decide to use it on your PC. I think this is one of the better
presents for this holiday season. Check with your favorite dealer. I
have a few copies available under $20.
- 11/10/06 Are you one of the fans of my award winning Chess
Exam and Training Guide? Interested in taking the next
Exam? Well, to be the first one to learn about the next one and maybe
even get it before everyone else, please make sure I
have your e-mail address. If you are not certain, register
here. Registered readers will soon get the
exclusive first shot at the very limited
edition of brand new Chess Exam 2.
And I mean soon! The full release
(dealers, book stores, Amazon etc...) is planned for March 2007.
- 10/21/06 'House cleaning' continues - 10 great books (2 award
winners) for $8 per book and more. Details here.
- 10/14/06 If you are one of the many readers of my Chess
Exam and Training Guide and would like to get additional
rating information to help you focus your training efforts, I can
manually produce the following
report for you with 40+ additional ratings. For example, when
you learn from the Exam that your Endgame
needs work, this report will help you to identify whether it is
Endgame Tactics or Strategy or Basic Positions
that you need to work on first. Details
here. I can also discuss my findings and answer your questions
via phone or e-mail. Details here.
- 09/22/06 Chess Training:
Have we met before? A couple of days ago I saw an interesting position occurred in the game of
two strong GMs - Becerra vs. Blehm from the match Miami vs. Baltimore
(US Chess League, I
suggest you visit this site frequently and find a team to route for). The way White dismantled Black's position was very
impressive, but I did have a strange Déjà Vu feeling.
- Find out more.
- 08/30/06 Did you have a good instructional
fragment in one your game? Do you want to see it showcased in my next
book? Soon I will be notifying members of my mailing list about the
specifics. Join here.
- 08/10/06 Chess Training:
and Inches at the Goal Line - Find out more.
- 07/12/06 Long anticipated Chess
Openings for White arrived. I have a couple of copies left
unclaimed by my students. Also, there are a couple of copies of
Dvoretsky's Endgame (2d ed.) left. Another shipment has arrived with
Ivashenko and Bloch's books (note - 600 combinations is back in
stock). Gigantic Enc. of Opening Errors seems to be in a
very short supply these days. I am expecting the last 2 copies for
this year from Moscow. If you would like to order, please hurry. Check
some recent specials - $0.50-$1 for some very nice new
books with MSRP of up to $25. Free
insured shipping in US - Find out more.
- 06/26/06 Chess Training:
Chess and Soccer - Ukraine is in the News! - Read more.
- 06/01/06 Chess Training:
The b-pawn:
and Possibilities. - Read more.
- 04/29/06 Chess Training:
One vs. Many (conclusion) - 5 more examples from the simul I
gave at the local club, one of the most active in the area - Read more.
- 04/25/06 Spend a day with Kasparov
in New York - play in a simul, then be entertained and have a
dinner with Kasparov (you can bring three friends at no extra cost!),
have pictures, signed certificate etc... I can also annotate your game
in greater detail and publish excerpts on my website as well as in
some of my syndicated articles worldwide. "Not
just a game, but a memory in the making, the head-to-head competition
takes place on June 12th in Manhattan's famed New York Athletic
Club" - from KCF
website. You can win your seat via auction
on Ebay. The minimum bid is $2000. The Buy-it-Now - is $5000.
If you would like to guarantee your seat without going
through Ebay and get some extras from me, please contact me for
details. Add your request in the "Comments" field here.
- 04/03/06 Chess Training:
One vs. Many - examples from the simul I
gave at the local club, one of the most active in the area - Read more.
- 02/07/06 Chess Training:
Advanced Pass Pawn - Threat and Execution
- Read more.
- 01/07/06 Chess Training:
Taking the Elevator Down - Read more.
- 01/05/06 I have always been using certain software products
from both leading producers - Convekta (ChessAssistant) and ChessBase.
I've had a partnership for awhile with CA and my students and website
visitors were able to purchase some of my favorite products directly
from me saving themselves hustles and money (free shipping is
a common offer). Now, I'm happy to announce that some of my favorite
CB products are also now available directly from
my site or at 15% discount from the leading distributor in US
- ChessBase USA
(mention my name when ordering to get 15% off).
- 12/20/05 Happy Holidays!! A
few updates below regarding Chess Exam, New
Evaluation Test, Chess Cruise, Free
Chess Today offer, Beautiful Chess Sets,
New Chess Directory, Chess T-shirts,
Chess Camps etc....
Check details here.
- 12/12/05 Chess
vacation - I am a fan of cruises and happy to tell you that there is now a
truly great opportunity for a chess player to combine chess training and a
relaxing vacation. While I am not likely to be able to attend this time,
you can join superstar GMs Susan Polgar, Onischuk and Stripunsky on a
wonderful cruise to Alaska in August, 2006. Check details
here. Special savings for my readers!
- 11/20/05 Chess Training:
during a recent review of the game that my
student played the issue came up - What do you do with your King and
why? - Read more.
- 11/18/05 Fantastic news for the young US
chess players determined to succeed in chess. IM Greg Shahade,
a well known organizer (NY masters, US Chess League) has just announced
a new organization - United States Chess
- 10/02/05 More - House cleaning - quality chess books and software
for sale. Only one of each item. Many less than 50%. Check
- 7/24/05 House cleaning - quality chess books and software
for sale. Only one of each item. Some less than 50%. Check
- 7/22/05 This Sunday (July 24) there will be a TV show
about recent match between the teams form St. Petersburg (Russia) and
US. You can find out more about the match as well as TV listing
details in your area here
- (once macromedia loads there will be a link
"Click for TV listings" on top.). One thing to note - my
local Comcast listing says the show will be on Sunday
at 1PM, not at 12PM as the website says.
- 5/17/05 One of the best US chess writers - Alburt together
with the opening expert
Dzindzighashvilli, and young IM Perelstein just released Chess Openings for
Black, Explained (A Complete Repertoire) I spend a couple of days
reading the book and I strongly recommend it to my students.
You can:
Get your complete repertoire against 1. e4, 1.d4, 1.c4, 1.Nf3....Main
lines and sidelines.
Address your need in a few specific openings, i.e. if you are
struggling against 1.Nf3 - only focus on that chapter.
See what your future opponents might playing as Black against you and
prepare a "mine"
I even
ordered a few for my students. You can get your copy signed by Alburt here...
- 06/29/2003
I redesigned appearance of my site, if you find any interesting pages
been unavailable, broken links, or any other issues, please let
me know ASAP.
- 05/25/2003
I have been using and recommending Chess Assistant products for years.
Now I have
reached an agreement and became an authorized distributor. Please
check my favorite products. Free shipping
and other special bonuses!.
- 4/05/2003
I will
be doing a lecture + simul at the West Chester University this Sunday
April 13, 2003. The host and organizer of the event - Mr. Robert
Macmillan has told me that the lecture is open to the public. Start is
approx. 11AM. Location is the Main Ballroom on the 1st
floor of the Student’s Union.
- 01/22/2003
I am a devoted reader of Chess
Today, as
well as an authorized distributor. Here you can find more info about the Chess
Today, my favorite issue (updated monthly) as well as subscription
details, including great FREE bonuses.
- 01/20/2003
I will be offering individual and group training at the Parsippany Hilton
on February 15 – 17, 2003 during US
Team East. I am offering special discounts. Learn
- 12/24/2002
I have booked Parsippany Hilton for February 15 – 17, 2003 for US
Team East tournament for $93 for 2-night stay. This is $96 cheaper
(51% OFF) than the discounted Chess rate. I have gotten it through
Priceline, using my personal developed methods. I have already
informed my students about specifics. Learn
- 12/2002
accept Credit
Cards now! I use PayPal continuously to pay for things I buy – no
extra cost. Feel free to pay me orders@iamcoach.com,
again no extra cost for you. For your convenience I am OK to absorb a
small fee that PayPal charges to receive your payment ! Open
Free PayPal Account and get $5 cash bonus!
- 12/2002
book Reviews. ChessMaster 9000 under $21. Amazon secrete code. Take
a look!
- 11/2002
I played well, but run out of energy at the
US Open in New Jersey after starting 5 out of 5, including victory
over GM Rohde. Unfortunately, my withdrawal after Round 10 caused some
controversy, since it was not reflected in pairing despite me
requesting it the night before the last round as well as via phone
call 30 minutes before the 7:30 start. The issue was addressed in the
December Chess Life. But here is some CRUCIAL additional info -
a look!
- 1/2002
- 2002 US Championship
is a History. I think I did very well. I scored 2.5 / 6 against
GMs, beating Alexander Ivanov, drawing Gulko, Stripunsky, Kudrin and
losing tough games to Yermo and Browne. I scored 2.5 / 3 against
non-GMs. I wish I would have done better in Round 7 against Browne,
but at that time I run out of gas, having played 5 tough games in a
row against the best players in the country. You can read my
report and see my games here. Also see
the official web site -
Chess Championship!
- Chess books, clocks (including antique one!), collectable sets. Game
used memorabilia. All from my personal collection. Take
a look!
- 11/2001
- Amazing
but true
tied for 1st
my third serious tournament in 5 years - 2001 National Chess
Congress in Phila. I also qualified to participate in the US
Chess Championship! This is one of the more prestigious tournaments
with 1st prize $3000. I scored +4=2 and. See Cross Table.
See my Tactics/Strategy lesson from the Game 4
National Congress.
- 09/2001 - I finally
played a serious tournament after a long-long lay off. 2001 NJ Open
State Championship. While I was rusty, my score was OK for tie for 4th
place. +4=1-1. The only loss came from GM Igor Novikov (2700). 6
GMs!! were competing for a whooping .... $500.
Guess, what!? They also paid $60 Entry Fees. That is a
terrible situation. Don't they have respect for themselves! Of course
why would TD Ken Tomas, who tried very hard with virtually no help to
run fairly large event, be raising his prizes next year? See my
Tactics/Strategy lesson from the Game 6
- 07/2001 -
Self-Evaluation test with 200 questions is ready! Take
the test!
- 07/2001 - 29th World Open
(Philadelphia) is a history now! Congratulations to my good friend GM
Goldin on winning (in Blitz Play-off) over several top grandmasters. World
Open Also, congratulations to my student Kurt Schneider
(13) on scoring 6.5/9 third time in a row, now in U2000 section
comparing to 6.5 in 1999 (U1600) and in 2000 (U1800) .World
Open (U2000)
- 03/2001 - Kasparov -
Bareev final in World Cup of Rapid Chess in Cannes. In the Semis
Kasparov outplayed Grischuk and Bareev won over J.Polgar. Details - at the
official site. Cannes
- 03/2001 - Kasparov
continues to impress at the Linares super tournament. His opposition -
Karpov, J. Polgar, Shirov, Grischuk, Leko. Details - at the
official site. Linares
- 02/2001 - See me playing
on the IamCoach.com team
with my students at the US Team East Championship in Parsippany NJ
(Feb 17-19). Stop by and say "Hello"
- 01/2001 - "Corus"
super-tournament - "Brain-Games" Champion Kramnik, Fide
Champion Anand and "The Number One" Kasparov + other top
players. Corus
- Happy New Year! And Happy Holiday to All!
- 11/2000 National Congress finished in Philadelphia. Congratulation to my
student Kurt Schneider on winning U1800 with 5.5/6.0. He also pocketed
$1,500. Not bad for 12 year old. See
- FIDE World Championship is taking place in India. Check
results here.
- Chess Olympiad is finished in Turkey. Men's Russia
and Women's China won rather convincingly. For games and info - check Olympiad.
- GM Kramnik finally ended dominance of Garry Kasparov. 8.5:6.5. +2
=13 -0. Is this a fluke? A set up to get more sponsorship money for
the rematch? Remember Euve beat Alekhine only to loose him in the
rematch. Future will show, but for now Kramnik enjoys the spotlight.
- Viswanathan Anand of India and China's own
Xu Yuhua have won the men's and women's divisions of the World Cup held 1-13 September in
Shenyang, China. My congratulations to the Champions! WorldCup
- $200,000 World Open finished
in Philadelphia. Event's
www site. Two of my students had an excellent shot at the $10,000
prize in U1800. Unfortunately, both lost their last round games. Bill
Zebrowsky took 5th with 7/9 after loosing heartbreaker in
time scramble. That cost him roughly $9,300 as he is expected to get
just $700+. 11 year old Kurt Schneider 6.5/9 ($300+) has
the same score as last year! You say - so what? One "minor"
change last year he was playing U1600! I wish him 6.5/9 again next
year, as long as he plays U2000! See
Their Results
I am currently practicing using Nunn's book.
Very interesting and somewhat challenging. Nunn did a good job.
Interestingly, Nunn claims that he checked all the positions alone and
with Fritz. Still, during the training sessions with one of my
students (US master), I was able to find a bust. At least I think I
found a bust. But you can take a shot at the position. I will let you
know if I find others. I am always looking for tough positions and
good busts. Details...

- First ever super-tournament in Ukraine. Cat
XVII. Several top GMs participate including Ivanchuk, Gelfand,
10 years ago I won this tournament. The field was
not as strong, the average was 2400, but I needed to get 8 points in 14
men round-robin. I scored +6/-2/=5 for 8.5 and got my final IM norm in
addition to the title. Event's
www site.
- There are plenty of tournaments going around the
world. I usually get updates and games from the ChessCenter.